Instalación de placas solares en Badajoz

Solar Panels Installation in Badajoz

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If you are considering installing solar panels or batteries for your home or business in Badajoz, we help you get quotes from installers quickly and easily.

Solar panel installation companies in Badajoz

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Sun hours in Europe.


Average annual insolation map. National Geographic Institute (IGN) Spain.

Solar energy potential in Badajoz

As we well know, the same amount of photovoltaic energy is not produced in the north of Europe as in the south of the continent, and the same occurs in Spain with respect to the cities of the north and those of the south. Extremadura is a privileged Autonomous Community thanks to the number of hours of sunshine (3,300), and within it, Badajoz has 3,224 hours of sunshine per year.

In fact, in Spain, the highest values of insolation occur in Badajoz, Sevilla, Almería and Alicante. In the first, the high solar irradiation is 5.74 kWh/m2. This results in the production of photovoltaic energy from homes and companies in Badajoz being high and, therefore, its solar energy potential.

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Solar energy potential in Badajoz. Source: PVGIS.

Annual production of photovoltaic energy in Badajoz

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Annual production of photovoltaic energy in Badajoz. Source: PVGIS.

As we can see in the graph, if we consider a system with, for example, 4.8 kWp of installed power, with an inclination angle of 34° and a loss of 14%, the annual production of photovoltaic energy in Badajoz is 7,729 .79 kWh. The months with the highest production are July with 809.45 kWh and August with 792.74 kWh of production. In addition, with this example, we would obtain an annual irradiation on the plane of 2,104.04 kWh/m2.

Average electricity bill in Badajoz 2021-2022


Average electricity bill. Source: OMIE.

In Badajoz, the Red Eléctrica de España (REE) indicates that Spanish households consume an average of 9 kWh per day and approximately 270 kWh per month, which represents about 3,240 kWh/year. In addition, the REE has also indicated that electricity prices from the network in 2021-2022 have averaged around €0.225/kWh (€225/MWh), so that a household without a solar energy system that consumes monthly from the network these 270 kWh would pay around €60 per month on your bill, in the variable part of electricity consumption.

Inclination and orientation of solar panels in Badajoz

In Spain, the ideal average inclination of the panels varies between 20º and 40º since it is directly related to the latitude of the country. The closer a city is to the Equator line, the angle of inclination of the panels will be less, since the sun's rays will fall perpendicularly.

The perfect inclination in Badajoz to achieve maximum performance from the solar panels should be around 34º and facing south. South facing solar panels in Badajoz will produce the most energy, but if you want to place the modules facing east or west it is also worth it, especially if you need to cover electricity needs at home or business in the morning or in the afternoon, increasing the household's self-consumption of electricity.

Badajoz' average temperature

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Average temperature in Badajoz. Source: PVGIS.

The dominant climate in Badajoz is a Mediterranean climate, which can be considered a continental Mediterranean climate -with Atlantic influence-, as it is generally characterized by an important thermal amplitude. The average annual temperature is 17º.

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We know that it is hard work to find the best installer company for your home or company in Badajoz, among so many offers that are going around. For this reason, at Quiero Sol we want to help you save time searching by allowing you to obtain multiple quotes from solar energy installers in Badajoz for your home or business.

Get the most out of your solar panel installation in Badajoz

With a population of 150,610 inhabitants (INE 2021), it is the most populous municipality in Extremadura. For this reason, at Quiero Sol we help homes and companies in Badajoz so that they can compare installers, easily understand self-consumption and find out how much they can save on the price of their installation through national subsidies and local aid that City Councils offer in 2023.

Frequently asked questions about photovoltaic installation in Badajoz

What is the price of a solar panel installation in Badajoz?

The price of a photovoltaic installation in Badajoz, and as usually happens anywhere, depends on the type of installation, size of the system, its components, registration and legalization procedures. Considering all the necessary materials: panels, inverter, wiring and installation costs such as labor for a single-family home that requires 10 panels, the approximate price would be €6,000 and €8,000 for 15 panels.

Is a photovoltaic installation profitable in Badajoz? Are solar panels worth it?

The recovery of the investment in Extremadura in general, is between 4 and 6 years. If none of the bonuses (IBI and ICIO) are accessed, the amortization would be made in 6 years, but if aid is available, the investment would be recovered in around 4 years or less. Within the Autonomous Community, the recovery time will vary according to the Province.

Thanks to its geographical location, its temperature and the large number of hours of sunshine per year, Badajoz is a profitable option for solar panels.

How much can be saved with a solar panel installation?

With a photovoltaic installation in Badajoz you can save approximately 60% and up to 70% on your electricity bill (in the variable part of it, referring to electricity consumption).

What procedures and/or permits are needed for photovoltaic installations in Badajoz?

Normally the installation companies in Badajoz are in charge of managing all the procedures so that their clients do not have to worry about it. Likewise, the processing and legalization of photovoltaic installations in Spain and thus in Badajoz, has been greatly facilitated since the entry into force of Royal Decree 244/2019.

Is there aid for the installation of solar panels in Badajoz in 2023?

IBI discount: %, years, uses and limitations

For the installation of solar panels in Badajoz, you can obtain a bonus of up to 30% of the full tax rate for 5 years, depending on each municipality. For example, in Don Benito 30% for 5 years and in Mérida up to 10% for 1 year. In Villanueva de la Serena, 30% for 3 years.

ICIO tax credit

You can obtain a bonus of up to 95% of the full amount of the tax on constructions, installations and works, depending on the town hall. Some Town Hall like Montijo grants only 50%.

What subsidies are there and how to request aid for self-consumption in Badajoz?

Subsidies from European funds are part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and in Extremadura they include grants of €600 for each kWp of the installation and €490 for each kW of battery. These aids are intended for installations with a maximum of 10 kWp and those installations that exceed this peak power have lower amounts in terms of aid. For municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, these amounts may be higher.

In the case of Extremadura, the aid is managed by the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines, Extremadura Energy Agency. Applications are processed through the Electronic Office of the Junta de Extremadura on its website: We leave you here the publication in the Official Gazette of Extremadura.

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At Quiero Sol we want to help you take advantage of all the benefits and advantages of solar energy in Badajoz, a clean and renewable energy obtained directly from the Sun's radiation.

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