Solar Panels Installation in Ávila
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Solar panel installation companies in Ávila
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Sun hours in Europe.

Average annual insolation map. National Geographic Institute (IGN) Spain.
Solar energy potential in Ávila
Castilla y León has approximately 3,000 hours of sunshine a year - more than the national average of 2,500 hours. We can compare the potential of Ávila (3,305 hours) in Castilla y León with that of some northern European cities where solar energy is normal, such as Berlin and Amsterdam. The latter have 1,728 and 1,662 hours of sunshine per year, respectively, so you can now draw your own conclusions about the great photovoltaic capacity that Ávila has! 💪☀️

Solar energy potential in Ávila. Source: PVGIS.
Annual photovoltaic energy production in Ávila

Annual production of photovoltaic energy in Ávila. Source: PVGIS.
To calculate your photovoltaic production in Ávila, let's take as an example a solar installation with 1.2 kWp of installed power, where the system will have an optimal inclination of 34º to the south, and an expected system loss of 14%. The result will give us an annual production of photovoltaic energy of 1,865.63 kWh. The months with the highest production are June, July and August with 185; 204 and 201 kWh, respectively. In case of opting for a 2.4 kWp photovoltaic self-consumption unit (twice the installed power than in the previous case), an annual production of 3,731.26 kWh could be expected (also yielding twice the production per year).
Average electricity bill in Ávila 2021-2022

Average electricity bill. Source: OMIE.
According to the Red Eléctrica de España (REE), Spanish households -and therefore in Ávila- consume an average of 9 kWh per day and approximately 270 kWh per month, which which represents about 3,240 kWh/year.Grid electricity prices in 2021-2022 have averaged around €0.225/kWh (€225/MWh). A home without a photovoltaic energy system on the roof that consumes 270 kWh per month, would pay around €60 on average per month in the variable part of the electricity bill referring to consumption.
Inclination and orientation in Ávila
In Spain, the ideal average inclination of solar panels varies between 20° and 40°, and it is a concept that is closely linked to the latitude of the country. The closer it is to the Ecuador line, the angle of inclination of the panels will be less, since the sun's rays will hit perpendicularly. The inclination of most of the houses in Spain is between 20° and 35°.
South-facing self-consumption solar panels in Ávila with an optimal tilt of 34º will produce the most electricity, but placing modules facing east or west may also be worthwhile. East-facing solar panels in Ávila will produce more electricity in the morning, while west-facing ones will produce more in the afternoon.
Average temperature in Ávila

Average temperature in Ávila. Source: PVGIS.
Castilla y León has a continental Mediterranean climate, with long, cold winters, average temperatures between 3 and 6 °C in January, and short, hot summers. In addition, the fact that it receives an average amount of solar energy equivalent to approximately 5.27 kWh/m2 per day plays a key role when assessing the installation of photovoltaic systems in Ávila.
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With so many installation professionals in Ávila, there is sure to be a company perfect for you. Submit your details now to get quotes from installers who can help you get solar power on the roof of your home or business.
Get the most out of your solar panel installation in Ávila
In Ávila there are local aids such as the ICIO discount (Tax on Construction, Installations and Works), in addition to subsidies from European funds for solar self-consumption (NextGeneration EU).
Frequently asked questions about photovoltaic installation in Ávila
How much does it cost to install solar panels in Ávila?
The price of a photovoltaic installation in Ávila - and in any case - depends on the type of installation, size of the system and its components. Considering all the necessary materials: panels, inverter, wiring and installation costs such as labor for a single-family house requiring 10 panels, the approximate price would be €6,000 and for 15 panels €8,000.
How profitable is a photovoltaic installation in Ávila? Are solar panels worth it?
From 4-5 to 6-7 years is the amortization of the investment, assuming that bonuses have been counted in the first case, and without any kind of subsidies in the second.
How much can I save with my solar panel installation?
With your photovoltaic installation in Ávila you can save approximately 60% and up to 70% on your electricity bill (in the variable part of it, referring to electricity consumption).
What procedures and/or permits do I need for photovoltaic installations in Ávila?
Although these administrative procedures are frequently carried out by the installation company, it is important to know that the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) has managed to get Castilla y León to eliminate the obligation to request a works permit for the installation of photovoltaic panels for self-consumption: an administrative barrier that will expedite the deadlines to make the installations.
Is Ávila granting aid for the installation of solar panels in 2023?
IBI discount: %, years, uses and limitations
50% during the first 3 years after the investment.
ICIO tax credit
The maximum amount is the 95% bonus on the quota of constructions and installations.
What subsidies are there and how to request aid for self-consumption in Ávila?
There are subsidies from European funds (Next Generation EU). Said processing for the application must be carried out through the website of the Processor of the Junta de Castilla y León at: https://servicios3.jcyl.es/ayae/login.jsp. Aid can be applied for until December 31, 2023 or until funds run out. All the necessary information and documentation can be found in the Official Gazette of Castilla y León.
The subsidies correspond to: with a peak power of less than 10 kWp, the amounts are €600 for each kWp of the installation and €490 per kWh in the battery. In the case of installations larger than 10 kWp, the aids range between €450 and €300 per kWp installed.
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At Quiero Sol we want to help you take advantage of all the benefits and advantages of solar energy in Ávila, a clean and renewable energy obtained directly from the Sun's radiation.
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